Friday, September 25, 2009

Strength or Speed 092509 F

We can change who we are.

There is no free lunch.
Results take time, sacrifices must be made, and hard work is required.
But, in the end, your physical condition and abilities are all up to you.
Take responsibility.


Warm Up-
400m run
Barbell Complex @ 45, 65, and 95

10 rounds, 10-1, of the following complex:
-Dead Lift
-Hang Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Pushpress / Jerk
10 @ 95lbs
9 @ 115lbs
8 @ 135lbs
7 @ 155lbs
6 @ 185lbs
5 @ 205lbs
4 @ 225lbs
3 @ 245lbs
2 @ 265lbs
1 @ 295lbs

Each lift is done as an individual movement. Hands do not leave the bar during the complex. Your score is the highest load reached per movement without breaking up the complex. Continue on with each movement until you break that movement. Rest as needed between complexes.

An example results could look like this:
--- Deadlift 295, Hang Power Clean 225, Front Squat 205, Pushpress / Jerk 185

Option B - SPEED
Warm Up-
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of:
Double Unders
Box Jumps @ 24"
Back Squats @ 45, 95, 135, 185, 205

4 Rounds, 9-7-5-3, for time of:
Situps x 5 (45-35-25-15)
Double Unders x 4 (36-28-20-12)
Pushups x 3 (27-21-15-9)
Box Jumps @ 24" x 2 (18-14-10-6)
Back Squats x 1 @ 185lbs

Score is time

Post results to comments and remember -


  1. Option C, for the 5p session.

    10, 8, 6, 4, 2
    Benchpress (155, 175, 195, 215, 225) Scale as needed

    Row 500M between sets

    Set 1 look looks like bench 155, row 500, no rest between sets or movements other than getting weight added. Score is calories on rower. No time element.

  2. Had to change option B a little...

    10-15-10-5 of:
    bw squats
    box jumps @ 24"
    double unders
    400m run

    Clint: 16:54
    Jake: 19:21

    Today was an example of how working out with a group keeps a person going. I had called Jake Tuesday night to talk him into Wednesday's workout and was surprised when he agreed to come out. Then after that workout he agreed to workout today if I did. Then this afternoon it was looking like he wasn't going to make it and I was not there mentally to workout. Then, right when I had decided to leave, he sent me a text saying he wanted to workout. Then, I had no choice. It was funny how he became my reason for doing something as I was his earlier in the week. Accountability is nice.

  3. Round 1 was 20 reps, not 10 like I posted

  4. Congrats Dar and Kiri

  5. Option A

    10 X 95# deadlift, clean, front squat, pushpress
    9 X 115#
    8 X 135#
    7 X 155# broke on 6 front squat
    lost everything after that
    so I finished with deadlift
    6 X 225
    5 X 245
    4 X 275
    3 X 305
    2 X 345
    stopped there legs were shot


    Amrap 20mins
    5 X box jumps 20"
    10 X kb swings 35#
    15 X body squats
    20 X jump rope
    400m run

    4 rounds complete 20:05

  6. Option C: 135x10, 155x8, 175x6, 205x4, 135x10
    row 500m for calories: 40, 36, 36, 36, 35
    *hand couldn't take the heavier weight, c2 almost got the better of me. Overall good workout.
