Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Run For Your Life 092909 T

Interesting video...


Post trail run results and any thoughts on running to comments


  1. I am running at 645 in the am as well as the 500 evening run. Anyone one else running in the am?

  2. Wish I could make the am run but it's 2 laps in the pm for me - my first attempt
    shooting for sub 70 minutes, should be doable

  3. Warmup:
    30 minutes elliptical 2.6 miles 275 calories
    various shoulder warup excercises
    set up 3 deadlift, 2 hang squat clean, 1 push press, 1 ohs

    bar is never set down but each movement is to be done seperately. Once you can't do the overhead squat, take it out and move on, once you can't do the push press take it out and move on. Once you can't do the hsc your done. I failed ohs at 105, pushpress at 145. Made this workout to start really light and go up 10lbs at a time.


  4. Run: Cedar Crest Loop, 3.2 miles
    Yesterday, all gave some, and some gave all. I would have to say I gave some. I did get a PR, but I was well below what I expected to get. I favored my hand, my shoulder was hurting a bit, I wanted to conserve for the final round, and all the other bs excuses I can come up with. Nevertheless, I got through it, and I am on to different things. time today felt like a PR when I was running, I would have thought I was gonna finish just under 30 minutes. Good start, strong during the middle ups and downs, and a good push up the hill, ended on a strong pace, and sprinted the last 200M. I was spent when the run was over. Clock said 32:20. Biked 3 miles afterward at a cooldown pace. Damn you FGB for taking away my strength and stamina and leaving feeling great after a sub-par run.

  5. Cedar Crest loop x 2
    PR'd the first lap in 30:29
    The second lap I was in hang on and finish mode. Severe cramp in right calf muscle kept me from pushing it from the top of the hill. Didn't want to injur something but it kinda sucked coming across the finish line already recovered.
