Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Legs Only 081909 W

Finally, footage from last weeks "Team Race"...

- Warm Up -

2 x Barbell Complex - pushup + burpee @ 45lbs
Double Under Practice
Deck Squat Introduction

- Work -

4RFT of:

20 Situps
10 Front Squats @ 45lbs
10 Front Lunges @ 45lbs
10 Back Squats @ 45lbs
10 Back Lunges @ 45lbs
10 Box Jumps @ 24"
200m Sprint

Post time to comments


  1. nice job on the video

  2. Super cool video Clint! I think our next shop purchase is a video camera u can turn sideways! (-;

  3. 21-15-9
    Weighted Pullups @ 20#
    KB Swings @ 53#
    Wall Ball Shots, 20#


  4. We ended up doing some modifications.

    as rx'd with 65lbs instead of 45:

    Worlock - 16:03
    Beastmaster - 16:54
    5150 - 21:40

    as rx'd, 20" box, 7 reps on bb movements:

    joy - 18:45

    During the warm up I couldn't get the bar overhead to the back squat position without significant pain so Rookie and I did the following:

    3RFT of:
    20 situps
    20 squats
    20 lunges
    20 box jumps @ 24"
    200m Run

    Clint - 12:20
    Rookie - 13:42

    EVERYONE'S legs are gonna be feeling it after today.
