Monday, February 23, 2009


First, warm up with:

karaoke x 40m
high knees x 40m
bear crawl x 40m
uneven farmer carry (53/70) x 40m
rope pull @ 100lb x 40m

Then, 5 rounds of:

10 calories on the C2, setting #10
10 floor wipers @ 135 (L/R=1)
10 swings @ 53lb
10 ankles to bar
10 45lb situps
10 bench @ 165
10 bent over row @ 95

If anyone knows or can find out how they counted out the 50 Floor Wipers for the "300" workout please post it to comments. I'm not sure if it was "one count" or "two count" and what exactly each one means. Seems to me like eather one could mean either.


  1. I like the workout but, I do have one comment to make that I'm not real happy about!

    What kind of site do you have here ? What is with member/ Follower "5150" He looks like he should be on some other internet site, not that I know what Kind but he just doesn't fit here thats for sure. I don't want the type on this site.

  2. "5150" Will you be my new girl workout partner!! Then we can go shopping on the Plaza, i like your style!

  3. The circuit resulted in 47 minutes of work done today.

    After - Max reps on Bench:

    Clint - 15 @ 185
    Neal - 10 @ 205

    Regarding the floor wiper; We've decided to count each tap of the plates as a rep and to go down in between reps but not to touch the floor.
