Event #2 (Speed)
"Goats and Goodies"
3 rounds for time of:
· 2 muscle ups
· 4 hspu
· 6 snatch @ 95
· 8 burpee box jumps @ 24
· 10 sumo deadlift high pull @ 95
· 12 double unders
Mod for each muscle up is 3 c2b pullups and 3 ring dips
Mod for HSPU is 8 standing press at 95
Mod for snatch is power snatch plus OHS
Any player who cannot complete the work rx is placed after those who finish rx, even if their time is faster. For example, if two players finish rx and their times are 12:01 and 13:42 but another player finishes in 11:42 but has to mod a movement their score is 3. The other two are scored 1 and 2 respectfully.
Post any questions or comments
bench press @ #135
pull ups
double unders
ring dips
ring dips sucks
40 minutes cardio workout
ReplyDelete3.5 miles
Complex workout:
5 deadlift
3 squat clean
1 push press/jerk
Start at 95lbs up by 10lbs until failure
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155x