Friday, November 6, 2009

Round and Round 110609

Clint does "The Shop Chipper"...

3 Rounds of:
barbell complex - pushups + overhead squats + burpee pullups
-thanks Patrick

4 Rounds for time of:

5 Hang Power Clean @ 115/65
10 Front Squat @ 115/65
15 KB Swings @ 53/35
10 Box Jumps @ 24/20

5 SDHP @ 115/65

Max rope pullups


  1. Warm up as rx'd.

    Tried to figure out a good way to get a box jump but quite literally fell on my butt trying.

    Instead did:

    5 rft
    run 800m
    10 x bw deadlift (185lbs)


    not real fast but I enjoyed it. 50 bw deadlift, it was harder than I thought.

  2. Patrick-
    Did you do the BB Complex as bar only, or progessively get heavier (ie 45, 55, 65), and is 3 rounds enough or too much as a warmup?

    Thanks for the MOD, we haven't done it yet, but the differences mean a lot for warming up the shoulders, and stretching the whole body with the burpee pullup.

  3. I did it with 45, 55, 65

    I generally do 4 rounds and put 75 in there as well. It does do wonders as a warm up, after you are done you will be ready to go.

    I can say though that since you will be doing your work with 115, you might want to go a little higher on the warmup, perhaps 45, 65, 85. Just since that will be closer to the weight you will be dealing with for time. Just an idea, I am sure either way would be fine.

  4. 173bw. 14:40. Rx.

  5. 205. Rx'd. 18:08.
    -the transition between the front squats and the kb swings sucked the breath and O2 out of me. After the first round I fought too hard to use my breath for value. Every single inhale seemed to dissapear before I felt the effects. This workout targets my weaknesses and left me with my head spinning.

  6. "Worlock" 202bw. rx. 9:02
    "Beastmaster" 188bw. rx. 9:57

    I guess I need a cool name to get sub 10:00 on that one. That or I need to stop being such a weakling. Nice job fellas.
