Monday, August 31, 2009

"The Goods" 083109 M

Video from last Wednesday...

-Option A-

Warm Up:
400m run
15-10-5 of:
53lb/16lb swings
20lb jumping ball slams

"The Goods" (scaled)
One round for time of:

400m run
135# push press/jerk x 10
135# hang squat clean x 10
135# deadlift x 10
-3min rest
400m run
115# push press/jerk x 15
115# hang squat clean x 15
115# deadlift x 15
-3min rest
400m run
95# push press/jerk x 20
95# hang squat clean x 20
95# deadlift x 20

Scale as needed but ensure load decreases for each round.
Subtract 6mins from total time for score.


-Option B-

Warm Up:
400m Run
15-10-5 of:
forward jumps
deadlift @ 135lbs
double unders

10-8-6-4-2 of Deadlift @
4RFT of:
10 Deadlift @ 185lbs
20 Double Unders
30 Situps
400m Run

Post your "A" or "B" and your time to comments


  1. Some friendly advice:

    Warm up properly,
    always pay attention to the load,
    and be thankful for your health.

    I sure wish I could partake in "The Good" with everyone today. It looks like a really good one. PSG has it planned for today as well.

    Hit it hard for me.

    One final note...
    For those of you with 100% health, don't take it for granted. Go all out and don't waste it. Potential means nothing if you don't execute.

  2. Worlock - 14:40, beast - 16:40, trickle - 17:55, 5150 - 20:00

    joy - 12:30
    Becca - 19:40

  3. "B"

    Warm Up:
    Deadlift went ok. Don't think my shoulder is going to keep me from that lift.


    That was tough. Double unders and deadlift, two of my main weaknesses.

    A good one, metabolic hit over and over.

  4. i owe you dudes an apology. after talking to clint, i realized my mistake. i don't know if i was too anxious to get started, or what. but, i did hang cleans, without squatting. i'm gonna have to redo this WOD, to get an accurate time. it probably won't be tomorrow, but i hope to correct it soon. sorry guys. now i have some carrots to chase.

  5. Goob, I bet it was still a good workout. Those mix running and multi movement workouts are my favorite.

  6. it was a great workout. but, i sold myself short. i'm looking forward to doing it the right way. sorry again.
