Thursday, January 14, 2010

--- Winter Games Info - The Chipper ---

Clint and Rookie - Papershop 2.0 - revisited

Event #3 (Chipper)

"The Great Destroyer"

One round, top to bottom for time of:
30 swings @ 53
25 box jumps @ 24
20 dumbbell thrusters @ 2 x 25
15 ohs @ 95
10 ring dips
5 power clean @ 185
10 clapping pushups
15 front squat @ 95
20 pullups
25 wall ball @ 20
30 burpees

OHS mod is 15 back squat + behind the neck pushpress or jerk
Total time is score

Post questions or comments


  1. Anonymous14.1.10

    Trickle, 207
    AM wod
    run 1 mile @ 8 min pace
    30/30/15 treadmill @ 10
    30/30/15 Airdyne @ 8

  2. Anonymous14.1.10

    caleb."The Great Destroyer".rx.10:41

  3. Turbo J14.1.10

    Did this for some added fun today boys... Thanks for the work!

    turbo. rx. 7:16

  4. Thanks for taking it on guys. We'll see how bad we can "destroy her" on Saturday.
