Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Day Two / New Years Restitution" 010510

Today's work courtesy of last weekends collaboration between JAX and 324

Warm Up
various medicine ball tosses
3 rounds of "Cindy"
Work up to heavy deadlift

Review: HSPU

-Part 1-
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
350# deadlift x 2
HSPU x 4
Burpees x 5
(Scale deadlift as needed, should be around 85-90% 1rm)

Rest 10 minutes, then...

-Part 2-
1000m row
1 round of "Helen"
-400m run
-53lb swings x 21
-pullups x 12
750m row
1 round of "Kelly"
-400m run
-20# wall ball x 30
-24" box jumps x 30
500m row
1 round of "Barbara"
-pullups x 20
-pushups x 30
-situps x 40
-squats x 50
(sub 50 double unders for 400m run if you don't run in the snow and ice)

Their results and a synopsis of the weekend

Post full and partial rounds and any mods for part 1 and time if you take on part 2


  1. Anonymous5.1.10

    Trickle, part 1, 315 dl, shitty hspu, 6 rounds
    it was a ghost town tonight after mr p blew through last night. My score reflects the effects of the previous workout. I applaud the efforts of those who showed up tonight and I applaud the wisdom of those who did not.

  2. well put Trickle

    clint. 176bw.

    10 min amrap. 275lb dead. 7 rounds, dead, and 2 hspu
    deadlift pr is 315

    circuit. rx. 26:55
    the ugliest set of du in a long time. i'm ready for some warmer temps so we can get out and run
