Wednesday, December 30, 2009

DT 123009


5 Rounds For Time

12 Deadlift
6 Push Press/Jerk

Compare to 042609.


  1. Killer WOD. FYI - Brand X suggest scaling rounds not weight. Meaning scale to 3 rounds rather than to 135#.

  2. glad you brought this up. i had forgotten their recommendation and our previous conversation on scaling this beast. what i'm wondering now is at what point should a person scale from 5 to 3 rounds? if i think i can get it done in under 20 is that worth doing it rx? or should this thing be scaled unless it can be done sub 15? where's the point where someone benefits the most???

  3. I think sub 20 minutes would be a good cutoff. If I could get all 5 rounds done in that time domain I wouldn't scale.

  4. Anonymous30.12.09

    As rx'd

    cabana 13:14
    beastmaster 14:50
    worlock 15:30

  5. impressive times guys, wish i could have been there.

    clint. 181bw. mod 115. 9:43

    was 100% undecided on how, or if, to scale going into warm up. thought i would work up to 155 with one round of the prescribed rep scheme and see how it went. 115 felt ok, 135 was a whole lot different. felt more like 155. in the end i did a few reps at 135 overhead and felt like there was no way it was a good idea to go with 155, regardless of the number of rounds. almost went with 135 x 5 rounds but decided to play it safe and go with 115. i guess this is why you don't eat whatever you want and don't workout for 5 days in a row. looking back i'm glad for the load i chose but kinda wish i would have done 135 x 5 rounds.

  6. Anonymous30.12.09

    Come on clint 115# you can do better than that. Beast and worlocks yoga class called and said u should join them next week


  7. thanks cabana but today felt like "day one" all over again
    i'll get back up to speed quick and may re-visit DT sooner than later.
    lots of wods i want to tackle before the 16th though...
