Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Can you take it 120809

No matter what the weather, get outside and run 5k in the trails.

--If you can't take it, row 5k, or spend 20 minutes on the AirDyne.


  1. "Jayce Special" from CrossFit Topeka 12.7.09

    for time:
    25 squats
    10 pushups
    20 squats
    15 pushups
    15 squats
    20 pushups
    10 squats
    25 pushups
    result - 2:59

    what did everyone else do?

  2. Anonymous8.12.09


    CF324 Thanksgiving day massacre

    50:31 mod. attempted 6 muscle ups had to settle for 25 ring dips instead

  3. Ran approx. 3 miles, outdoor in the rain and sleet with 3+ inches of snow on the ground. Mostly wet pavement, the trails would have been fun, probably dangerous, and a good chance I would have gotten lost, but fun nevertheless.

  4. Anonymous8.12.09

    row 3000m
    100 setup
    45 standing press @ 95
    5 minutes jump rope
    90 push ups

  5. Anonymous9.12.09

    what's a gril to do when it's snowing
    ran eight min mile.
    set of 20 leg blasters
    100 jump rope with heavy rope
    100 sit ups
    25 push ups
    row 5 mins.
