Monday, August 3, 2009

OHS 1RM / Circuit 080309 M

Today we focus on the dreaded Overhead Squat. You won't get any better or stronger at this lift without showing up and practicing it. The OHS is an incredible movement and will expose any and all weak links. Fair warning: We'll be doing it more often, so you had better practice.

- Warm Up -

Burgener Warm Up

- Work up to 1RM OHS -

10 x 45lbs
8 x 65lbs
6 x 95lbs
4 x 115lbs
2 x 135lbs
1 x more, repeat until failure

- Workout -

21-15-9 for time of:
OHS @ 95lbs
Box Jumps @24"
Swings @ 53lbs

Scale as needed, post OHS 1 RM and circuit time to comments


  1. First day back since the games, and Boy could I feel it. Nothing too crazy yet.

    1.5 mile run(13:04)
    200 Jumprope and then Double under practice.

    Everything was hurting today, probably the extra weight I am carrying right now.

  2. Grace- 3:01
    Had a spotter to check my ROM on Press.

    3x10 Pullups- worked on ROM, getting much better with Kip, finished all sets complete.

    3x20- Overhead Squats with 45#. Not quite parallel, but getting better.

    Clint, what are some good Grace times to compare mine to?

  3. Sub 3:00 grace time is the goal around here, some of the elite crossfitters are doing it around the 2 min mark. 3:01 is an awesome time.

  4. Great job D!
    Take a look at the results here:

  5. OHS 1RM results:
    Worlock - 155
    Trickle - 155
    Cabana - 155
    Clint - 185

    Timed Circuit results:
    As Rx'd...
    Worlock - 12:30
    Trickle - 11:36
    Cabana - 12:45
    OHS @ 115...
    Clint - 11:34

  6. nice ohs max clizz.
