Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday 071009 F

3...2...1... GO!

or is it going to be something different?

Post work and time to comments


  1. WOD - Cindy
    AMRAP in 20 minutes

    5 Pullups
    10 Pushups
    15 Squats

  2. Did the 10 Minute Mini Cindy yesterday.

    13 Full Rounds plus 5 Pullups

  3. That is a really good 10 min Cindy score. I think 30 on the regular Cindy is the crossfit elite benchmark and we are shooting for 20+. Way to go. I did not even look at paperstreet until after I posted.

  4. Trickle 14 + pullups as rx'd
    Beast 14 + Pullups as rx'd
    Joy 13 + Pullups *Box jump pullups

    Once again the pushups were the nemesis, after 11-12 rounds, the arms were gone. Hands torn up from pullups previous days ripped open (Beastmaster and trickle)

    1.5 mile run after 2 min rest (tough)

    Overall - Excellent good workout
