Saturday, September 5, 2009

Track Day 090509 Sa

1... 2... 3... GO!

Post intervals, timed distances, or any other work to comments.


  1. 30 Thrusters @ 95#
    400M Run
    30 Pull-ups
    400M Run
    30 Wall Ball @ 20#
    400M Run
    30 Box Jumps @ 24”
    400M Run
    30 Ring Dips
    400M Run
    30 Sit-ups (For Speed)
    400M Run

    cabana, 24:50
    trickle, 27:07

  2. back at my middle school track:
    Dynamic warm up
    then, 1 x 400 for time
    Clint - 1:06.53 (a new PR by 4.5 sec)
    Patrick - 1:08.52 (a new PR by 1.5 sec)

    rest 10:00 then, 10 x 200 / 3:00 rest

    Patrick -
    28.5 (PR)
    and then out with pulled quad

    Clint -
    30.6 (PR)
    and then out with feeling really sick

    I hesitated on even doing anything today due to feeling like I was coming down with something nasty last night. Went as far as I thought it smart to.

  3. Just picked up a Roman Chair / GHD at a garage sale for $20!!!
